Dice and Balls in the community

We Have A KickStarter!

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We are ready to open our shop in Arnold, Nottingham, and we need your help to make this dream come true!

At Dice and Balls we want to create a hub for our community Board Game and Circus Skills workshops. All profits will be used to benefit the community.

We have launched a KickStarter campaign to help us get the doors open. The campaign will help us to:

  • Decorate the shop, including commission art from local artists
  • Buy furniture
  • Buy our initial stock of board games and circus skills equipment to sell
  • Promote the shop and our events

If you are able to support this project in any way, please visit the Dice and Balls KickStarter Campaign Page and make your pledge. Every pledge helps us to reach our goal, even if it’s just £1.00

If you have any questions, please Contact Us

Thank you for your support – Phire & Zoe

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